Friday, March 21, 2008

Masks of Emotion by Claire Thomspson

Masks of Emotion
Claire Thompspn
Aspen Mountain Press
ISBN: 978-1-60168-090-7
Length: Novella
Price: $4.79

Alex and Richard have sparks fly almost immediately when they first meet. Alex fell in love during the few months they spent together, but he soon realizes that Richard is controlling, domineering, and as if that is not enough he is cheating too. Alex isn't sure he likes being in that kind of relationship anymore.

Alex and Julian have never really gotten over an almost fling that happened in Sri Lanka six years ago. Six years later, he meets the man who has been monopolizing his dreams at a costume party.

I was disappointed at the lack of creativity at first, meeeting up at a bar has been done so many times now, but after reading the first chapter I was drawn into the story by the complexity of the characters and their lives. After seeing Alex hurt, you want to see him find happiness, and this time a real happiness, not an infatuation with a man who doesn't love him back. This one's short, sweet, and satisfying. If you are into m/m you should enjoy it too.

4 Stars

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