Friday, March 21, 2008

The Learning Curve by Christy Gissendaner

The Learning Curve
By Christy Gissendaner
Aspen Mountain Press
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Sexual Content: Sensual
Price: $4.99

What's a budding romance author to do if they are still a virgin? How could they possibly write that sizzling hot bestseller when they haven't experience what it's like to make love for themselves yet? That is why Sadie turns to her lifelong friend Jason for his bedroom experience, but she can't help entangling her heart in their business relationship.

Sweet and sensual is the words I would use to describe The Learning Curve in the beginning. Although Sadie would have to be extremely naive and innocent to have remained a 25 year old virgin and still be completely clueless to when guy is interested in her, enough so to have to have another woman point out the signs to her. I know that there are older virgins out there, but how could she be that naive to not even pick up not so subtle body language?

It was so unbeleivable that it was funny. You must read The Learning Curve for a refreshingly sweet romance. It was fun lighthearted and not all about the sex, even if Sadie wanted it to be.

3 Stars

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